I am an assistant professor in the School of Computer Science at Fudan University and the leader of the code security research group (FDU-CSR).
My research mainly focuses on computer system security, and my research interests are broad, covering vulnerability analysis, operating system security, web security, and mobile security. My group is dedicated to delivering effective and reliable security analysis and defense approaches and addressing the evolving challenges in the computer security world.
We are looking for excited and motivated students to work with. Please feel free to contact us!
- Our security analysis against mini-app and web vulnerabilities have been accepted by NDSS’25 and S&P’25. Congrats Yizhe and Fengyu!
- I am honored to be invited as a TPC member of IEEE S&P’25 and Usenix Security’25. Welcome to submit a paper.
- Our Android security work focusing on component issues has been accepted by FSE’24. Congrats Keke!
- I am honored to be invited as a TPC member of ACM CCS’24 and Usenix Security’24. Welcome to submit a paper.
- Our foundational work of improving static program analysis is accepted by S&P’24. Congrats Feng!
- Office: Room D6013, NO.2 Interdisciplinary Building, Fudan JiangWan, Shanghai
- Email: yanggl at